You may have noticed how wood Cupolas tend to disintegrate over time and may need to either be replaced or painted every few years. Not ours! We manufacture beautiful Cupolas that don't require painting and will last for many years to come. We start with a sturdy wood base then clad it completely in aluminum, copper, steel, galvanized or other metals. There are over 450 aluminum colors to choose from and the designs are endless. If you want to use your Cupola for ventilation, you will want to go with one of our Louvered models that come pre-screened to keep pests and debris out while reducing both heating and cooling costs year round by allowing your roof to breath, which also extends the life of your roof.
Our innovative Windowed models add a touch of class by day and set off a beautiful glow at night when combined with our accent light kits. These are an attractive ornamental conversation piece and are not meant for venting.
Either model is available in many shapes, sizes and a wide range of colors which are sure to be the finishing touch! Check out our stock models online or call us for more technical information and options.
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